I came into Mindlab back in March, what feels like forever ago . At the time I thought the hardest part was going to be the 4 hour sessions, and yet instead I was challenged with trying to stay on top of the workload, incorporate what I had learned into my everyday teaching, and constantly reflect in a constructive way. It wasn't easy, and I don't think I would have got very far without my community of practice , but here we are. Final blog post (for now!). The first key change that was brought about came from the very first few weeks where we discussed the ITL Learning Rubrics. Such a simple document completely overhauled the way I evaluated the extent to which I was enabling my students to become 21st Century Learners. It made me realise that chucking an assignment online doesn't create digital learning, and that forcing kids to work in groups does not mean they will become collaborative (obvious for some, but sometimes a reminder is helpful). This document is one th...