I came into Mindlab back in March, what feels like forever ago. At the time I thought the hardest part was going to be the 4 hour sessions, and yet instead I was challenged with trying to stay on top of the workload, incorporate what I had learned into my everyday teaching, and constantly reflect in a constructive way. It wasn't easy, and I don't think I would have got very far without my community of practice, but here we are. Final blog post (for now!).
The first key change that was brought about came from the very first few weeks where we discussed the ITL Learning Rubrics. Such a simple document completely overhauled the way I evaluated the extent to which I was enabling my students to become 21st Century Learners. It made me realise that chucking an assignment online doesn't create digital learning, and that forcing kids to work in groups does not mean they will become collaborative (obvious for some, but sometimes a reminder is helpful). This document is one that I have referred to constantly, and one that is always in the back of my mind when I consider my students and their learning. This ties in with most of the practising teacher criteria, but for me relates most closely to "Criteria 7: Promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment" (Ministry of Education). Before I talk about an activity as being collaborative, or being supportive of any of the other 21st C skills I mentally flip back to the rubric itself, and I find that often it challenges me to create learning tasks that are more rich and authentic. This is now something I would encourage all 21st Century teachers to read in order to ensure we aren't just ticking the boxes when it comes to the skills and attributes we want to foster in our learning communities.
The second big change that has come about through Mindlab is to try and incorporate more rich tasks and problem solving inquiries into my learning. Through various sessions, as well as research topics, the importance this in creating well rounded learners has been emphasized. Simple aspects of my teaching (well, not that simple) such as a math lesson or a reading task can be enhanced so easily through incorporating questions that children ask, encouraging their creative problem solving through open ended questions and tasks. Sometimes I have found it challenging to be responsive to student interest and inquiry, but when I do follow this pedagogy the results are engaged students who will suddenly take on a creative mindset to solve authentic tasks and problems that are relevant and interesting to them. It has made me realise how much I still need to explore in learn in order to be ready and prepared to follow them, and engage them in these discoveries, but Mindlab has been a great stepping stone into this. Criteria 12: "Use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their professional practice.” (Ministry of Education) relates closely to this change in my practice, however again it would tie across many areas of the PTC.
Mindlab has not suddenly made me an amazing teacher, or filled the gaps in my knowledge, but instead it has shown me through challenges and discussions how little I know about the world of education and the way in which students learn. This journey that we choose to embark on is not a short one, and in such a time of flux and change the challenge to be responsive for our students can seem huge. But with the support of my school, my whanau, my friends and my incredible students I know that I will grow as much as they do with each year that passes.
Ministry of Education (nd). Practising teacher Criteria and e-learning . Retrieved from http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning/
The first key change that was brought about came from the very first few weeks where we discussed the ITL Learning Rubrics. Such a simple document completely overhauled the way I evaluated the extent to which I was enabling my students to become 21st Century Learners. It made me realise that chucking an assignment online doesn't create digital learning, and that forcing kids to work in groups does not mean they will become collaborative (obvious for some, but sometimes a reminder is helpful). This document is one that I have referred to constantly, and one that is always in the back of my mind when I consider my students and their learning. This ties in with most of the practising teacher criteria, but for me relates most closely to "Criteria 7: Promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment" (Ministry of Education). Before I talk about an activity as being collaborative, or being supportive of any of the other 21st C skills I mentally flip back to the rubric itself, and I find that often it challenges me to create learning tasks that are more rich and authentic. This is now something I would encourage all 21st Century teachers to read in order to ensure we aren't just ticking the boxes when it comes to the skills and attributes we want to foster in our learning communities.
The second big change that has come about through Mindlab is to try and incorporate more rich tasks and problem solving inquiries into my learning. Through various sessions, as well as research topics, the importance this in creating well rounded learners has been emphasized. Simple aspects of my teaching (well, not that simple) such as a math lesson or a reading task can be enhanced so easily through incorporating questions that children ask, encouraging their creative problem solving through open ended questions and tasks. Sometimes I have found it challenging to be responsive to student interest and inquiry, but when I do follow this pedagogy the results are engaged students who will suddenly take on a creative mindset to solve authentic tasks and problems that are relevant and interesting to them. It has made me realise how much I still need to explore in learn in order to be ready and prepared to follow them, and engage them in these discoveries, but Mindlab has been a great stepping stone into this. Criteria 12: "Use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their professional practice.” (Ministry of Education) relates closely to this change in my practice, however again it would tie across many areas of the PTC.
Mindlab has not suddenly made me an amazing teacher, or filled the gaps in my knowledge, but instead it has shown me through challenges and discussions how little I know about the world of education and the way in which students learn. This journey that we choose to embark on is not a short one, and in such a time of flux and change the challenge to be responsive for our students can seem huge. But with the support of my school, my whanau, my friends and my incredible students I know that I will grow as much as they do with each year that passes.
Ministry of Education (nd). Practising teacher Criteria and e-learning . Retrieved from http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning/
Lizzy you have had an amazing journey this year and I have enjoyed seeing your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn about all aspects. Like you said the journey we have chosen is not a short one. It was one we we continue to grow and adapt as the world changes around us. I have been teaching for ten years and my journey is still growing. as you I have learnt a lot this year. new things and expanded on things. I look forward to reading more blogs and hearing about the journey you are taking.