As someone who is fairly comfortable with social media in my personal life it has been interesting to see how in teaching I tend to avoid anything to do with social media. Experiencing pile-ons and other not so positive side effects of this 21st Century aspect of life has made me cautious within the classroom as to how social media is used. The students in our MLE class are 1:1 with devices, however social media is not something we use within the class apart from them being able to respond to one another on Google Classroom. There are the obvious benefits of this online interaction in terms of students being able to interact with one another, and collaborate in an easy way however I have also been concerned about the potential issues in terms of students wasting time, and potentially interacting with others in a disrespectful way (as adults often do on social media). This concern was also shared by participants who were surveyed by Seaman and Tinti-Kane (2013) and who were critical ...